v1.4 Playtested Update

Having finally run the game for some friends we quickly identified some issues and workshopped solutions.

Considered Change: Instead of moving a MIMIC point into CHAIR whenever you roll successfully and point from CHAIR into MIMIC when you fail, increase the stat you succeed in and decrease the other and vice versa. This makes a certain amount of logical sense. Acting as a Mimic makes you better at Mimic stuff but increases your chances of being discovered and Acting as a "Chair" makes it easier to blend in but more difficult to try and be monstrous. (This is an option I'd like to playtest more but in the meantime..)

Actual Change: Still a static change from one stat to the other on a success or fail only now they are swapped. On a Successful roll you move one point from CHAIR to MIMIC (getting closer to your goal of consuming the wizard) and on a Failed roll you move one point from MIMIC to CHAIR (reverting to a defensive state). This may constitute a change in their respective titles "Acclimation" and "Agitation" as they better reflect the previous rules flavor wise, but they'll remain as is for now.

Additionally, we experimented with making a kind of layout for the Wizard's Tower collectively describing three rooms of the tower and then rolling to decide which room the Wizard is currently in. We used a basic Initiative for each player to take turns trying one action at a time. We also played scenarios in which they worked together as well as competing to be the first to eat the wizard (as I initially intended: "Only *One* can Eat the Wizard"). None of these side rules are included in this update though I am working on a separate supplement to add rolling tables for the Wizard, the Tower, Scenarios, and other environmental hazards for the mimics to avoid.

Game Master Notes: This may be obvious, but I don't advise allowing the players to immediately attempt to roll Mimic and Consume the Wizard right at the start of the game giving them a 50/50 chance of success. Perhaps they need to incapacitate him first. When running the game, we were playing pretty fast, loose, and casually. I hadn't considered how active the Wizard should or shouldn't be at reacting to the players actions. I think that maybe any MIMIC role in the presence of the Wizard should reveal that player as a Mimic and the Wizard attempts to Zap them immediately.

Possible Rule Addition: In Honey Heist, the game Eat The Wizard is a hack of, there is rule that allows you to voluntarily move one stat from BEAR to CRIMINAL if you narrate a flashback where you prepared for the heist or move one stat from CRRIMINAL to BEAR if you consume a lot of honey. Perhaps, players could move one stat from MIMIC to CHAIR if they narrate a flashback to a time when their current disguise caught them a delicious adventurer or also CHAIR to MIMIC if they find something in the Wizard's tower to snack on.


Eat The Wizard V1.4.pdf 116 kB
Oct 09, 2023

Get Eat The Wizard

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